Surprising Barrio del Arte, Old Havana, Cuba

There is a very special place I discovered on Calle O'Reilly in Old Havana, el Barrio del Arte. The district is colorful and full of pieces of art on the walls. The hanging sign on the street was dedicated to the autobienal exposicion de arte. This 13th autobienal took place in October-November 2018, exactly when we were there. Havava, and Cuba in general, is full of street art and this is a real pleasure to discover it while walking through the city.

The Barrio del Arte is apparently a district where you can find art galleries. "El Ojo del Ciclon" is one of them, showcasing modern pieces of art with sculptures, pictures, posters, etc... I read that the gallery is not opened for turists as it is a place to showcase local art, socialize and interact with locals. However, if you speak spanish, maybe you can give it a try. Otherwise, just enjoy the pieces hidden every where on the walls of the buildings, like an outdoor museum :)


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