Carved Buddha in Buduruwagala, Sri Lanka

One hour drive from Ella stands an interesting curiosity built in the IXth century. Buduruwagala is an ancient buddhist temple and is a good idea for a 15 min stop on the road between Ella and Yala National Park. Seven statues, which one of them is a standing Buddha of 15 meters, are carved in an impressive rock of 20 meters high and 100 meters long. 

The entry is very affordable, something around 200 to 300 roupies. The site is lost in the nature and there is almost no tourist, we were completly alone. The atmosphere is very peaceful, which is quite unusual in cultural sites. 

If you start your trip in Sri Lanka by the South, this is a good option to stop there to admire for the first time the tallest Buddah of the country. If you start by the North and the cultural triangle, you might have seen lots of Buddhas already and this stop would not be mandatory. However, I like the singularity to admire a Buddha carved in the Rock while you are alone in the Nature. Have a look and do your own opinion ! :)


Of course a pic with Buddah was mandatory. However, we learnt later that you normally must not turn the back to Buddah. Pictures have to be taken from the side and facing Buddah. Once we learnt this, we did not make this mistake again. Depeding on the site you are, there are some guides that will rumble you if you try so! I am sharing it with you so you do not commit this mistake that can be considered as an offense.

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