Nine Arch Bridge in Ella, the best exemple of colonial railway in Sri Lanka

Ella is a place not to be missed in Sri Lanka, espacially for its rocks climbing offering scenic views on montains and tea plantations but also its so famous Nine Arch Bridge where people observe typical Sri Lankan trains running on. Ella is a region where you can admire amazing falls and visit tea factories but let's take a tour by starting with one of the most famous postcard of Sri Lanka : Nine Arch Bridge...

Click here to see my work on Nine Arch Bridge on IStock.

       Click here to see my work on Nine Arch Bridge on IStock.

From your hotel or guesthouse, a tuk tuk (rickshaw) can easily drop you at the Nine Arch Bridge. The best is to be stoped higher than the bridge so you can take a little walk to go down to the bridge and stop few times to admire the view and its architecture. Nine Arch Bridge is the best example of the colonial-era railway construction of Sri Lanka. The bridge was built in 1921 with a total lenght of 91 meters and is 25 meters high. 

Then, stop at Asankacafe to wait for the train running on the bridge. This is a small bar where you can enjoy some fruit juices and coconuts while waiting for the train. This cafe is an excellent spot in terms of view, but the main point is an old man watching for the trains arrivals. This man whistles each time a train is arriving to announce it and make sure tourists go away from the rails. This man looks at everything and hear everything and is the best one to advise you when the train should arrive. Even thought he replies to the question "Do you know when the train is arriving? " by "Trains are always late in Sri Lanka" (while looking at you with a big smile and drinking some Arrack:)), at the second he will see or hear anything, he will tell you so you can be prepared to take good pics and enjoy the scene !

We were there between 12am and 1pm and we had the chance to see the train from the top but also one when we were on the bridge. This means between this time, you should have the chance to see two trains. Before leaving for Sri Lanka, I made some researches on the web and looked at the train timetables to know approximatively when we should be able to see a train. Below are some hours, even though I cannot garantee it ! Some trains can have 2 hours delay depending on what problem they face on the way, we experienced it ourself on the road between Ella and Nuna Oya.
Times to observe trains : Around 9am, 10.30/45am, 12am or after 1.30pm and 3.15pm. This times are matching train departures and arrivals in Ella with a 15 minutes difference.

After seeing the first train, I recommend to go down to enjoy other views, see the second train coming and walk on the railways, which is an experience you cannot afford in Europe or North America ! 

While walking on the bridge, you will admire the architecture from closer as well as the lush vegetation and its tea plantations. 


Explore a bit further to the tunnel so you can take interesting and funny shots of yourself :)

Finally, go back to your way on the top, take the right to join the main road, walk few minutes to "Ella Garden Flower Resort" and there you are at the entrance of Little Adam's Peak ! This will be the topic of my next review :) I recommend to do Nine Arches Bridge and Little Adam's peak one after each other as the distance is very short. You can do both on foot in 3 hours. 

Nine Arch Bridge is one of my best souvenir in Sri Lanka, you can imagine more typical for a Sri Lankan landscape. The scene is quite orginal and the walk pretty easy.

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